Yesterday was the first time that I tried to make some Kimbap on my own. Back in China my korean friends often made it for me, it was such a blast just to be around them and cooking together (although most of the times I was sitting aside eating and watching them make the Kimbap). Therefor I have such good memories of Kimbap not only does it taste good I will always think about my korean friends and what fun we had while making it.
I must say it wasn't hard to make at all. The thing that took to longest while making it, was the preparation of the ingredients. I must say I was really proud of the result because I've already tried some korean recipes and most of the times I failed quiet badly. And the Kimbap was even approved by my parents! I will definitely try to make it more often because it's super delicious and perfect to bring along!
Ingredients for 5 Kimbap rolls: half a carrot , 50gr. of spinach, 2 cups of cooked rice, tuna, 100gr. ham, 1/3 of a cucumber, 1-2 eggs, 70 gr. of korean pickled radish, a bamboo mat and seaweed sheets |
Step 1: Cook the rice like you've normally would
Step 2: Slice up the carrot, ham, cucumber and radish into small sticks
Step 3: Beat up the eggs and fry it. After that slice the eggs into long strips
Step 4: Blanch the spinach in hot water for 2 minutes
Step 5: Fry the ham and carrots for 3 minutes
Step 6: Take the bamboo mat, a seaweed sheet and spread a bit of rice onto it. Then place a bit of all the ingredients on one side of the sheet and start rolling using the bamboo mat |
Tadaa! You should have a roll similar to mine--잘 먹겠습니다 ! |